Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Isn't It Enough to Just Believe in Jesus?

By Billy Graham, Tribune Media Services

Q: A friend of mine says that while she respects the sincerity of my
faith, I still need to become a member of her church. The reason, she
says, is because her church is the only one that has the whole truth.
But isn't it enough to believe in Jesus? -- Mrs. V.M.

A: I'm sure your friend is sincere, but I can't agree with what she
says about her church being the only one that possesses the full truth
about God. No church is perfect, and in my experience, God's people
can be found in many different churches and denominations.

After all, our salvation doesn't depend on our membership in a
particular church (although fellowship with other believers is very
important for our spiritual growth). Our salvation depends solely on
Jesus Christ and what He has done for us through His death and
resurrection. By His death on the cross He paid the price to redeem us
from our sins, and by His resurrection He conquered death and Hell

Our responsibility is to respond to what Jesus did for us by turning
to Him in repentance and faith, and trusting Him alone for our
salvation. The Bible's promise is clear: "Believe in the Lord Jesus,
and you will be saved" (Acts 16:31). If you have truly trusted Christ
for your salvation, pause right now and thank Him for giving you the
gift of eternal life.

Pray for your friend, and encourage her to put her confidence in
Christ alone for her salvation. Jesus said of all who believe in Him,
"I give them eternal life, and ... no one can snatch them out of my
hand" (John 10:28).

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