Thursday, January 3, 2008

God's Hedge

Author: Woodrow
Source: Lessons on Living from Job
Scripture: Deuteronomy
Chronicles 1:9-10


Job 1:9–10

So Satan answered the Lord and said, "Does Job fear God for nothing? Have You
not made a hedge around him, around his household, and around all that he has on
every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have
increased in the land."

God’s Hedge

Some years ago a group of educators decided to remove the chain-link fence
from around their school’s playground. They believed the fence promoted feelings
of confinement and restraint. But then a curious thing happened. They noticed
that as soon as the fence was removed, the children huddled in the center of the
playground to play. Unknown to the "experts," the children had actually gained a
sense of security from the presence of the fence.

It was this same kind of security that Satan recognized in the life of Job.
Figuratively speaking, God had placed a hedge or fence around Job and all he
possessed to protect him from evil. Job was hemmed in on all sides by this
hedge, but it was not a matter of constraint; it was a matter of security. He
could live confidently, knowing that nothing could reach him without first going
through God’s hedge of protection.

Every believer today can have that same assurance. The Bible provides a first
line of defense. The commandments and exhortations that some people view as
divine restrictions are really God’s protection plans. Their purpose is to
prevent us from engaging in behavior that will hurt us. In addition, even the
omnipotent hands of God are encircling our lives. No disaster or calamity can
touch us without the permissive will of our Heavenly Father. Only those things
that God knows ultimately will prove to be for our good are allowed to penetrate
this divine hedge.

So, do not chafe against the restrictions God puts into your life. They are
hedges for your security. Rejoice that God has His arms underneath you (Deut.
33:27) and His hands behind, before and over you (Ps. 139:5). You are totally
encompassed by His hedge of protection. Inside God’s hedge you are safe!

God’s hedges are built for protection, not imprisonment.

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