Saturday, January 5, 2008

God is Good

Author: Mary Wilder Tileston
Source: Joy and Strength
Scripture Reference Ephesians 5:1-2

God is Good

Be ye therefore followers of God as dear children; and walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God.

O JOY supreme! I know the Voice,
Like none beside on earth or sea;
Yea, more, 0 soul of mine, rejoice,
By all that He requires of me,
I know what God Himself must be.

EITHER there is a God supremely good, One whom His children may love and trust to the very uttermost point without the slightest fear of the reality falling short of the heart's desire, or else there is no God, no love, no forgiveness, no redress. God is wholly good, if good at all, and those who hope in Him will be wiser if they hope with all their hearts than if they hope with only half their hearts.

As mighty and as wise as God is to save man, as willing He is. For Christ Himself is the ground of all the laws of Christian men; and He taught us to do good against evil. Here we may see that He is Himself this charity, and doth to us as He teacheth us to do: for He willeth that we be like Him in fullness of endless love.

We know what God is like because we know the character of Jesus Christ.

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