Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Good Start Gone Bad

Woodrow Kroll, Tony Beckett
Source: Faith Walk

Scripture Reference Genesis

Good Start Gone

Genesis 1-3, Matthew 1
Key Verse: Genesis 3:15

At God's initiative the world came into existence. Things got off to a great
start! Moses records throughout chapter 1 that God's assessment of creation was
that "it was good." That phrase is repeatedly used to describe His work.

It was "not good," however, that man would be alone. But chapter 2 does not
indicate that God realized that He had made a mistake. His work of creating "a
suitable helper" for Adam was not a correcting but a continuing of His creative
work. God's work of creation was good-perfect, in fact.

Chapter 3 tells how things went from good to bad. Satan entered the picture
with the intent of ruining it. This time he was like a serpent intending to
deceive. At other times he is like an angel of light who looks so right but is
so wrong.

The wrong in this world is the effect of sin. The right in this world is the
work of God. Genesis 3:15 is a prophecy of what Jesus would one day accomplish.
By His death, burial and resurrection, He would break the power of sin. In Jesus
there is salvation for all who believe.

As you begin this journey of reading the Bible, thank God for His Son, Jesus,
who breaks the power of sin, and for His Word, the Bible. Also make it a prayer
of commitment that you will finish what you begin today, that you will read the
entire Bible this year.

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