2:27 The Sabbath was made for man. God instituted the Sabbath to benefit man by giving him a day to rest from his labors and to be a blessing to him. The Pharisees turned it into a burden and made man a slave to their myriad of man-made regulations.
2:28 also Lord of the Sabbath. Jesus claimed He was greater than the Sabbath, and thus was God. Based on that authority, Jesus could in fact reject the Pharisaic regulations concerning the Sabbath and restore God's original intention for Sabbath observance to be a blessing not a burden.
MacArthur, J. J. (1997, c1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed.) (Mk 2:27). Nashville: Word Pub.
Word meaning
Sabbath (shabbâth, "a day of rest," from shâbath, "to cease to do," "to rest").
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