In Touch Daily Devotional
by Dr. Charles Stanley
The Ultimate Rejection -- Matthew 7:21-23
According to Jesus, the gate to heaven is narrow. The easier route through life is the broad pathway of secular happiness, with all of its side roads to decadence and self-indulgence. But the way to eternal life is marked by self-sacrifice and humility.
The Lord warned His followers not to be deceived about their salvation. Those who find heaven's road have given their heart to Jesus and acknowledged that His sacrificial death paid their sin-debt in full. This is important because we meet many people who appear to be walking the narrow path though they have never actually made a decision for Christ. These folks may be busy with church work, but they have placed performance before commitment. Their activities may be commendable--such as volunteering in ministries and supporting missions--and they may even hold some right beliefs. But actions and thoughts aren't always an accurate reflection of the spirit and heart.
Many churchgoers assume their works are so pleasing to God that heaven is a certainty; sadly, they will be stunned by the ultimate rejection. At the judgment, Jesus will tell them, "I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness" (Matthew 7:23). Jesus will not accept anyone who has refused to be forgiven for his or her sins.
You don't want to be among those who think deeds earn admission to heaven. Receiving Christ as Savior is the only way (John 14:6). Then you can be sure that at the end of life's journey, you'll step off the narrow road and into God's presence forever (1 John 5:13).
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