Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Deeds of God

Thanksgiving for Victory

Psalm 9


1I will praise you, LORD, with all my heart.

I will tell all the miracles you have done.

2I will be happy because of you;

God Most High, I will sing praises to your name.

3My enemies turn back;

they are overwhelmed and die because of you.

4You have heard my complaint;

you sat on your throne and judged by what was right.

5You spoke strongly against the foreign nations

and destroyed the wicked;

you wiped out their names forever and ever.

6The enemy is gone forever.

You destroyed their cities;

no one even remembers them.

7But the LORD rules forever.

He sits on his throne to judge,

8and he will judge the world in fairness;

he will decide what is fair for the nations.

9The LORD defends those who suffer;

he defends them in times of trouble.

10Those who know the LORD trust him,

because he will not leave those who come to him.

11Sing praises to the LORD who is king on Mount Zion.

Tell the nations what he has done.

12He remembers who the murderers are;

he will not forget the cries of those who suffer.

13LORD, have mercy on me.

See how my enemies hurt me.

Do not let me go through the gates of death.

14Then, at the gates of Jerusalem, I will praise you;

I will rejoice because you saved me.

15The nations have fallen into the pit they dug.

Their feet are caught in the nets they laid.

16The LORD has made himself known by his fair decisions;

the wicked get trapped by what they do.

Higgaion. Selah

17Wicked people will go to the grave,

and so will all those who forget God.

18But those who have troubles will not be forgotten.

The hopes of the poor will never die.

19LORD, rise up and judge the nations.

Don’t let people think they are strong.

20Teach them to fear you, LORD.

The nations must learn that they are only human.


Title: The Holy Bible, New Century Version

A Song of Victory

Psalm 18


1I love you, LORD. You are my strength.

2The LORD is my rock, my protection, my Savior.

My God is my rock.

I can run to him for safety.

He is my shield and my saving strength, my defender.

3I will call to the LORD, who is worthy of praise,

and I will be saved from my enemies.

4The ropes of death came around me;

the deadly rivers overwhelmed me.

5The ropes of death wrapped around me.

The traps of death were before me.

6In my trouble I called to the LORD.

I cried out to my God for help.

From his temple he heard my voice;

my call for help reached his ears.

7The earth trembled and shook.

The foundations of the mountains began to shake.

They trembled because the LORD was angry.

8Smoke came out of his nose,

and burning fire came out of his mouth.

Burning coals went before him.

9He tore open the sky and came down

with dark clouds under his feet.

10He rode a creature with wings and flew.

He raced on the wings of the wind.

11He made darkness his covering, his shelter around him,

surrounded by fog and clouds.

12Out of the brightness of his presence came clouds

with hail and lightning.

13The LORD thundered from heaven;

the Most High raised his voice,

and there was hail and lightning.

14He shot his arrows and scattered his enemies.

His many bolts of lightning confused them with fear.

15LORD, you spoke strongly.

The wind blew from your nose.

Then the valleys of the sea appeared,

and the foundations of the earth were seen.

16The LORD reached down from above and took me;

he pulled me from the deep water.

17He saved me from my powerful enemies,

from those who hated me, because they were too strong for me.

18They attacked me at my time of trouble,

but the LORD supported me.

19He took me to a safe place.

Because he delights in me, he saved me.

20The LORD spared me because I did what was right.

Because I have not done evil, he has rewarded me.

21I have followed the ways of the LORD;

I have not done evil by turning away from my God.

22I remember all his laws

and have not broken his rules.

23I am innocent before him;

I have kept myself from doing evil.

24The LORD rewarded me because I did what was right,

because I did what the LORD said was right.

25LORD, you are loyal to those who are loyal,

and you are good to those who are good.

26You are pure to those who are pure,

but you are against those who are bad.

27You save the humble,

but you bring down those who are proud.

28LORD, you give light to my lamp.

My God brightens the darkness around me.

29With your help I can attack an army.

With God’s help I can jump over a wall.

30The ways of God are without fault.

The LORD’S words are pure.

He is a shield to those who trust him.

31Who is God? Only the LORD.

Who is the Rock? Only our God.

32God is my protection.

He makes my way free from fault.

33He makes me like a deer that does not stumble;

he helps me stand on the steep mountains.

34He trains my hands for battle

so my arms can bend a bronze bow.

35You protect me with your saving shield.

You support me with your right hand.

You have stooped to make me great.

36You give me a better way to live,

so I live as you want me to.

37I chased my enemies and caught them.

I did not quit until they were destroyed.

38I crushed them so they couldn’t rise up again.

They fell beneath my feet.

39You gave me strength in battle.

You made my enemies bow before me.

40You made my enemies turn back,

and I destroyed those who hated me.

41They called for help,

but no one came to save them.

They called to the LORD,

but he did not answer them.

42I beat my enemies into pieces, like dust in the wind.

I poured them out like mud in the streets.

43You saved me when the people attacked me.

You made me the leader of nations.

People I never knew serve me.

44As soon as they hear me, they obey me.

Foreigners obey me.

45They all become afraid

and tremble in their hiding places.

46The LORD lives!

May my Rock be praised.

Praise the God who saves me!

47God gives me victory over my enemies

and brings people under my rule.

48He saves me from my enemies.

You set me over those who hate me.

You saved me from cruel men.

49So I will praise you, LORD, among the nations.

I will sing praises to your name.

50The LORD gives great victories to his king.

He is loyal to his appointed king,

to David and his descendants forever.

Title: The Holy Bible, New Century Version

Thanksgiving for Victory

Psalm 118

1Thank the LORD because he is good.

His love continues forever.

2Let the people of Israel say,

“His love continues forever.”

3Let the family of Aaron say,

“His love continues forever.”

4Let those who respect the LORD say,

“His love continues forever.”

5I was in trouble, so I called to the LORD.

The LORD answered me and set me free.

6I will not be afraid, because the LORD is with me.

People can’t do anything to me.

7The LORD is with me to help me,

so I will see my enemies defeated.

8It is better to trust the LORD

than to trust people.

9It is better to trust the LORD

than to trust princes.

10All the nations surrounded me,

but I defeated them in the name of the LORD.

11They surrounded me on every side,

but with the LORD’S power I defeated them.

12They surrounded me like a swarm of bees,

but they died as quickly as thorns burn.

By the LORD’S power, I defeated them.

13They chased me until I was almost defeated,

but the LORD helped me.

14The LORD gives me strength and a song.

He has saved me.

15Shouts of joy and victory

come from the tents of those who do right:

“The LORD has done powerful things.”

16The power of the LORD has won the victory;

with his power the LORD has done mighty things.

17I will not die, but live,

and I will tell what the LORD has done.

18The LORD has taught me a hard lesson,

but he did not let me die.

19Open for me the Temple gates.

Then I will come in and thank the LORD.

20This is the LORD’S gate;

only those who are good may enter through it.

21LORD, I thank you for answering me.

You have saved me.

22The stone that the builders rejected

became the cornerstone.

23The LORD did this,

and it is wonderful to us.

24This is the day that the LORD has made.

Let us rejoice and be glad today!

25Please, LORD, save us;

please, LORD, give us success.

26God bless the one who comes in the name of the LORD.

We bless all of you from the Temple of the LORD.

27The LORD is God,

and he has shown kindness to us.

With branches in your hands, join the feast.

Come to the corners of the altar.

28You are my God, and I will thank you;

you are my God, and I will praise your greatness.

29Thank the LORD because he is good.

His love continues forever.

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