In Touch Daily Devotional
by Dr. Charles Stanley
Assurance for Trials -- Psalm 121:1-6
Trials will erupt in every life. Thankfully, though, we can rely on our Father to help in times of need, as Psalm 121 assures us.
• "I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; from where shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth" (vv. 1-2). Though thieves would hide in the mountains and prey upon innocent travelers, the psalmist knew where to turn for help. Similarly, when we encounter unknowns, fears, or trials, our sovereign Lord will sustain us (Psalm 103:19)--even when others let us down or our own strength fails.
• "He who keeps you will not slumber" (v. 3). With billions of people in the world, it is difficult to comprehend how the Lord could possibly know every detail of our lives--or why He would care enough to number all the hairs on our heads. But this passage confirms that God is alert to every aspect of our lives and attentive to our needs.
• "The Lord is your keeper" (v. 5). In Hebrew, the word for "keep" comes from the same root as "guard" and "protect." We use this term when a parent asks a trusted person to "keep" her child while she is away temporarily. The childcare provider is expected to protect and provide for needs. God promises to keep His children, which means that He will defend us, give us what we need, grow us into His likeness, and guard us from evil.
Without these promises, the world could seem dangerous and lonely. But we can face unknowns and difficult times with confidence, knowing that the Lord will keep us and help us.
by Dr. Charles Stanley
Assurance for Trials -- Psalm 121:1-6
Trials will erupt in every life. Thankfully, though, we can rely on our Father to help in times of need, as Psalm 121 assures us.
• "I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; from where shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth" (vv. 1-2). Though thieves would hide in the mountains and prey upon innocent travelers, the psalmist knew where to turn for help. Similarly, when we encounter unknowns, fears, or trials, our sovereign Lord will sustain us (Psalm 103:19)--even when others let us down or our own strength fails.
• "He who keeps you will not slumber" (v. 3). With billions of people in the world, it is difficult to comprehend how the Lord could possibly know every detail of our lives--or why He would care enough to number all the hairs on our heads. But this passage confirms that God is alert to every aspect of our lives and attentive to our needs.
• "The Lord is your keeper" (v. 5). In Hebrew, the word for "keep" comes from the same root as "guard" and "protect." We use this term when a parent asks a trusted person to "keep" her child while she is away temporarily. The childcare provider is expected to protect and provide for needs. God promises to keep His children, which means that He will defend us, give us what we need, grow us into His likeness, and guard us from evil.
Without these promises, the world could seem dangerous and lonely. But we can face unknowns and difficult times with confidence, knowing that the Lord will keep us and help us.
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