Friday, January 4, 2008

It Takes a Lifetime

It Takes a

But solid food belongs
to those who are of full age . . . those who by reason of use have their senses
exercised to discern both good and evil.



has been said that the new birth takes but a moment; spiritual maturity takes a

Nowhere is this more
clearly demonstrated than in the Parable of the Sower where Jesus warns His
disciples about the many different ways in which God's Word would be received.
He said some would fall by the wayside, being snatched up by the devil as soon
as the Word entered their heart. Others would receive the Word with joy, but
fall away during a time of temptation. Still others would hear the Word, yet
remain entangled in the cares of the world, making it impossible for them to
bring any spiritual fruit to maturity. Finally, Jesus told of the ones who,
"having heard the Word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear fruit
with patience
" (Luke 8:11-15).

Spiritual maturity is a
continual process of growth that takes time and patience. If we remain rooted in
the Word and nourished through prayer and fellowship with the Lord, we will
surely see our faith grow as never before.

Christians should
move on to spiritual maturity. We must feast on the meat of God's Word and put
into practice the lessons we have learned. It's the only way to grow
Haddon W. Robinson

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