Friday, January 4, 2008

Lion on a Leash

Author: Woodrow
Source: Lessons on Living from Job
Scripture: 1
Peter 5:8

Lion on a

Job 1:11–12

"But now, stretch out Your hand and touch all that he has, and he will surely
curse You to Your face!" So the Lord said to Satan, "Behold, all that he has is
in your power; only do not lay a hand on his person." So Satan went out from the
presence of the Lord.

Lion on a Leash

Many cities and even small towns have leash laws. You can’t simply let your
pets run loose; they must be kept on a leash. The logic is obvious. With no
constraints, dogs and cats not only do unsightly things on people’s yards, but
they damage shrubs and flowers, dig holes in unwanted places or make a nuisance
of themselves in other ways.

God also has a leash law, and the primary target of that law is Satan. The
Devil is a powerful enemy and can cause you a great deal of damage. The apostle
Peter compared him to a lion (1 Pet. 5:8). Yet the life of Job demonstrates that
the Devil can only go as far as God’s leash allows him. With God’s permission,
Satan could afflict God’s servant only to a certain extent and no further. Even
though tragic events took place, God’s hand was always on the leash preventing
Satan from destroying Job.

Sometimes when we look at our difficult situations, we become fearful. Our
imagination provides fertile soil for us to grow all kinds of potential problems
and disasters. We fear the worst and are sure that we will be overwhelmed. Yet
God never removes His hand from our enemy’s leash. While we may experience
difficult people and hard times, Satan cannot attack us beyond the limit that
God allows.

Trust your Heavenly Father’s wisdom. Nobody knows better than He does how far
to play out the leash. While Satan may appear as a fearsome lion, he can do no
more in your life than what God allows him. On that you can rely.

You can’t trust the lion, but you can trust God’s leash.

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