Friday, January 4, 2008

When God Laughs

Author: Warren
Source: Prayer, Praise and Promises

When God

Read Psalm 2:1-12

Are you surprised that God laughs? "He who sits in the heavens shall laugh;
the Lord shall hold them in derision" (v. 4). God has a sense of humor, but His
laughter is the kind that is born of judgment. It's the laughter of derision,
the laughter of irony. What is God laughing at? He's laughing at puny little
kings and rulers who have united to shake their fists at His throne and tell Him
they don't want Him to rule over them (vv. 2,3). God laughs at them because He
knows man cannot survive without submitting to His authority. Man is made in the
image of God, and if he fights against Him, he fights against himself. Man, in
his rebellion, tries to make God in his own image. He thinks God can be treated
with disdain and disobedience. And God laughs.

We can laugh when we read the headlines or watch TV reports. We see a world
in turmoil, a world united against God, but we laugh because He is still on the
throne. "Yet I have set My King on My holy hill of Zion" (v. 6). Jesus Christ is
God's King, and He is on the throne. Therefore, we can look at the nations as
they are in turmoil, as they unite against God, and we can smile--in fact, we
can laugh. They are fighting a losing battle. Jesus Christ is on the throne of
the universe, and we who are Christians are seated with Him on that throne.

As believers, we are to be witnesses for Christ. Reaching a world that rebels
against God's authority can be difficult. Be encouraged, for your efforts will
not be wasted. God is in control and one day will bring all governments and
earthly powers into submission. Pray that He will use your life to reach others
and glorify Himself.

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